Empowered residents creating an equitable Mahoning Valley

The Raymond John Wean Foundation is dedicated to equitable community building in underresourced communities of Warren and Youngstown in Ohio’s Mahoning Valley.

In partnership with residents, we challenge the conditions that hold problems in place. We leverage a dynamic combination of grantmaking, capacity building, convening and partnerships to provoke new thinking, strengthen communities and disrupt the status quo to achieve our vision — empowered residents creating an equitable Mahoning Valley.

Strategic Priorities

We focus our support on viable solutions well-aligned with our mission, values, racial equity outcomes and strategic priorities:

  • Community Revitalization
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Educational Opportunity
  • Public and Civic Sector Leadership


The nonprofit landscape of our Valley is full of great organizations doing great work – and we want to get to know you. The WeanFolio is an entry point, an introductory way to connect so that we can see how we might work together. Whether you’re a new organization or have been here for many years, we invite you to…

Upcoming Events

Race Equity & Inclusion (REI) Workshops

Committed to advancing racial equity and inclusion, the Wean Foundation presents virtual, two-day workshops designed to present a historical, cultural and structural analysis of racism.

Addressing systemic racism in the Mahoning Valley

At the Wean Foundation, we prioritize principles of racial equity to focus attention and resources on our community’s most entrenched challenges. We believe fresh approaches are an urgent necessity. For too long, our community has struggled to find lasting solutions to our most pressing concerns. Challenges remain. Disparities deepen. Racism persists.

The time has come for a change. Today, our grantmaking, capacity building and operations address long-held assumptions, redistribute decision-making power and challenge the lack of equitable access to resources, knowledge and opportunity.


Funding the development and implementation of viable solutions led by organizations whose leadership reflects the racial demographics of the communities in which they work.

Capacity Building

Supporting the strong leadership, strategy and impact of Black and Hispanic/Latinx-led organizations.

Convening and Partnerships

Defining challenges, formulating solutions and taking collective action, with Black and Hispanic/Latinx-led organizations who have a stake in the decisions being made.